Ce roluri sunt disponibile în opțiunea „Managementul personalului”?

Goldie facilitează pentru proprietarii de cont cu abonament Pro Plus să gestioneze permisiunile tuturor utilizatorilor din cont. Ei pot atribui membrilor oricare dintre celelalte roluri - Administrator sau Personal. Permisiunile asociate fiecărui rol sunt prezentate mai jos.

Account Owner



Manage all appointments. Create, edit, and delete appointments for his own account or any of his users

Manage all appointments. Create, edit, and delete appointments for his own account or any of his users

Create, edit and delete his own appointments (created by you or assigned to him)

View all appointments

View all appointments

View only his own appointments (created by you or assigned to him)

Manage all clients

Manage all clients

Add and edit the clients. Cannot delete clients.

View all clients

View all clients

View all clients

Manage all services

Manage all services

No access to the Services menu. The services are set by Account Owner or Admin

View all services

View all services

View only his own services when managing an appointment

Add or change services to an appointment

Add or change services to an appointment

Add only his own services to his own appointments

Can change the users who perform a service

Can change the users who perform a service

Cannot change the users who perform a service

Manage messages

No access to the Messages menu

No access to the Messages menu

View all messages

View all messages

Can view messages when creating an appointment

Can send marketing(mass) messages

Can send marketing(mass) messages

No access to the Marketing menu. 

Online booking full access (Activate, edit and deactivate options)

Can only access the online booking link to share it with clients  or on social media

Can only access the online booking link to share it with clients or on social media

View reports

View reports

No access to reports

Manage Staff members and settings

No access to Staff menu

No access to Staff menu

Can edit the notification settings for his own account and for all users

Can edit the notification settings for his own account only

Can edit the notification settings for his own account only

Manage his own account and all other user accounts

Manage his own account only

Manage his own account only

Can change account subscription (Plan)

Can’t change account subscription (Plan)

Can’t change account subscription (Plan)

Access to priority support

Access to priority support

Access to priority support

Can send Feedback

Can send Feedback

Can send Feedback


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